Transitioning to a Green Economy: A Collaborative Conference Aimed at Shaping Europe’s Sustainable Future


In an era of climate crisis and economic uncertainty, transitioning to a green economy is a crucial step. The international conference, “Transition to a Green Economy” (T2gE), seeks to ignite this transformation, serving as a pivotal event during the Slovak Presidency of the European Council.

Objective of the International Conference

The primary goal of the T2gE conference is to foster a transition towards a green economy in Europe. By promoting mutual understanding of the green economy concept, the conference aims to facilitate discussions on potential future actions, map out transition pathways, and ultimately drive environmental sustainability at a continental level.

Bringing together Diverse Stakeholders

This inclusive conference will bring together a broad spectrum of stakeholders, from policymakers across EU countries to members of academia, businesses, and civil society. By facilitating an open debate on key green economy issues, T2gE aims to mobilise these varied actors towards collective action for sustainability.

Strengthening Synergies with European Initiatives

The conference also aims to augment synergy among various recent initiatives launched by the European Commission and Member States, thereby enhancing overall coherence. This includes major programs such as the 7EAP, Circular economy package, Energy Union, and the Juncker Commission’s priorities.

Conference Highlights and Discussion Topics

Among the highlights of the conference will be parallel breakout sessions devoted to relevant subjects, where representatives from civil society, policymakers, businesses, science and innovation, and regional and local authorities will present examples of successful green economy approaches. The conference will also provide a platform for showcasing Slovak examples of green/circular economy through practical field trips.

At the end of the T2gE conference, a set of draft conclusions will be approved both at the national and European levels, serving as a vital tool for implementing policy in the field of the green economy. The conference aims to ensure that these policy conclusions align with each country’s specific needs, propelling Europe as a whole towards a more sustainable, green future.

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